Helping Her Find Her Voice…

Helping Her Find Her Voice…

Looking back at stories of our girls overcoming, remind us why we do what we do. We wanted to share one of them with you... We first met E (Initials used to protect identities) through the First Responder Protocol in 2015, meaning she came into contact with local law...



Support child victims of sex trafficking in the U.S. during the holidays! Amazon will donate to Saving Innocence on your behalf! If you already shop on Amazon, or if you’re looking for the perfect gift for a loved one, you can choose Saving Innocence as your...

Triple Your Giving

Triple Your Giving

Dominique (name has been changed to protect the survivor) was just 13 years old. Exploited as a victim of commercial sex trafficking. Four years later she became one of Saving Innocence’s first clients. After initial assessments by the team, Dominique was matched with...

Meeting Survivors

Meeting Survivors

It is a privilege to have the opportunity to speak into the young survivors lives, particularly because you have to earn the right to do so. She’s been taught that she will be judged, unwanted, and that anyone who tries to get close to her wants something from her....

Crisis and First Responder

Crisis and First Responder

We so often are asked about the crisis process at when we are called out to work with a youth. We wanted to unveil the mysteries, and give you a glimpse into our work during a crisis call.