“The devaluation of human dignity is the greatest moral quagmire in history and has led to the greatest injustice of our time, which is the loss of childhood innocence and the commercial sexual exploitation of our children. It breaks my heart to know there are innocent children in our community living through the horror of human trafficking and sex slavery, and they do so on a hope and a prayer that someone will fight for them. Fortunately, they have Saving Innocence fighting for them, their innocence, and the value of human dignity.”
– Tyler Krohn, M.D., M.B.A. / Former Board Member
Sharing Our Hearts
Why We Do What We Do
Years as an Organization
Case Management Hours a Year
Crisis Calls We've Responded To
A Day in the Life of a Case Manager
“I unfortunately experienced child sex trafficking, and I experienced it at a time in our country when services were minimal. I wish that an organization like Saving Innocence had existed when I was on the beginning of my recovery journey and needed that crucial life-giving, life-transforming support.”
―Leah Albright-Byrd / Saving Innocence Board Chair